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Healing, Medicine & Disease (HMD's)
HMDs 2024-25
"Balancing and Healing the sacred elements within us- and all around.": BBSH Florida Sacred Ceremony (58:21)
BBSH Japan Graduation Tuesday November 5, 2024 (73:55)
Boundaries: Ana Stefanovic BBSH UK (89:01)
Breath Workshop: Dr Jeltsje Tack BBSH UK (90:47)
Brennan and Continuum: A Positive Symbiosis: Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz BBSH FL (61:52)
Cosmic Breath, Reclaim Your True Flow- Breathing Through Trauma: Donna Evans Strauss, Lisa VanOstrand BBSH Florida (54:29)
Healing with Animals: Ginger Krantz BBSH FL (90:14)
Imagery Work: A Healing Dialogue with the Subconscious Mind: Shara Morales, BBSH UK (85:53)
Navigating Bias to Foster Connection & Community: Ed Mancera BBSH UK (93:39)
Oxytocin and Healing: Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz & Dr. Sue Carter BBSH FL (91:25)
Somatic Experiencing for Brennan Healers : Ana Stefanovic, BBSH UK (94:34)
2023-24 All School Events
UK Graduation Events (383:25)
Florida Graduation Events (357:11)
Art Project Presentations 2023-24 (380:31)
HMDs 2023-2024
4D Full Moon Dance: George Berberian, BBSH Florida (88:18)
Activating the Fluid System: Introduction to Emilie Conrad and Continuum: Laurie Keene, BBSH UK, (55:17)
Experiential: A Continuum Dive: led by Laurie Keene,BBSH UK, (92:46)
Activating the Fluid System: Introduction to Emilie Conrad and Continuum: Laurie Keene Lesson, BBSH Florida (92:08)
Experiential: A Continuum Dive: led by Laurie Keene, BBSH Florida (97:39)
Anxiety: Annie Griff, BBSH California (48:22)
Ceremony Reclaiming Essence and Communing with your Higher Selves, BBSH Florida (69:02)
Death and Dying: Uta Riese,BBSH Australasia (85:10)
Forgiveness: Johanna Jonasdottir,BBSH UK (64:48)
Humanizing Masculinity: Jonathan Bessone, BBSH UK (78:14)
Humanizing Masculinity, Part 2 : Jonathan Bessone, BBSH Florida (82:57)
Neuroscience of High Sense Perception, Leon Grigorian,BBSH California (84:49)
Sacred Activation of the Periodic Table Elements: Bev Howarth, BBSH Australasia (64:00)
The Road to Resilience After Disaster: Jeanne Riether, BBSH Florida (68:41)
The Child's Road to Resilience After Disaster: Jeanne Riether, BBSH Florida (64:56)
Tradition & Transformation: Nicola Lester, BBSH Australasia (81:30)
Understanding Our Sexuality Biases - Annette Gates, BBSH California (48:13)
青山美子 ヨガ&アウェイクニング HMD Yoga Yoshiko, BBSH Japan (96:30)
2022-23 All School Events
UK Graduation Events (256:32)
California Graduation Events (358:58)
Florida Graduation Events (348:27)
BBSH Florida Art Project Performances April 22, 2023 (150:34)
2022-2023 HMDs Lectures
BHS and the Animal Community: Sandy Rakowitz (98:03)
Creating in the HEF: Yvonne Smela (62:33)
Death and Dying : Uta Verena (82:47)
Dreams & Connection to the Spiritual World According to the Saparo Nation: Patty Williams (66:19)
FEEL Dance - Framework for Discovering Your Core Essence Dance in Mainstream Life: Wilson Cheung (88:53)
Going Through Anxiety: Tiphaine Pascal (45:34)
Gender Awareness: considering alternative perspectives to the norm: Jen Polo (76:26)
How to be a Healer Without Hurting Yourself: Suzanne Keen (69:22)
Humanizing Masculinity: How Men Can Heal from the Vicious Cycle: Jonathan Bessone (82:56)
Looking for Meaning of Life: Neuroscience Perspective: Leon Grigorian (89:43)
My Story: Ada Robinson (67:25)
Nei Jin Tu & Meditation: Lisa VanOstrand 内経図とメディテーション (82:49)
Neuro-somatic practices to regulate the nervous system: Sandra Berset (77:11)
Oppression: Lilia Flores (78:22)
Rhythmic Cycle: Silvana Grassadonia (61:00)
Trauma Recovery: Using the Four Dimensions of Brennan Healing Science: Sue Cacibauda (74:55)
Unschooling: Shifting the Template of Learning: Dori Steiman Schoonmaker (75:14)
Using Brennan Healing Science to Support Recovery From Alcohol Addiction: Margaret Atwood (65:42)
Under the Night Sky - Southern Hemisphere edition. How protecting dark skies is vital to our health, environment and future generations.: Karen Reid (51:51)
Understanding & Experiencing Energetically Our Connection to All Forms of Life: Susan Turner (79:37)
2021-2022 HMD Lectures
An Offering To World Peace: Lisa VanOstand and Misha Margolin- California (81:27)
Astrology and Characterology: Rebekah Hirsh
Astrology and Characterology Part 2 : Rebekah Hirsh (87:50)
Brennan Healing Science- Working with Children: Amy Wilder (87:02)
Core Qualities: Nancy Christine (63:48)
Dreams 1 : Lisa VanOstrand (46:42)
Dream 2: Silvia Rodriguez
Dreaming: Robert Moss (86:29)
Healing Animals: Ginger Krantz (43:24)
Like a Finger Pointing to the Moon: Jason Gordon (82:18)
Sacred Activation of the Periodic Table Beverley Howarth- Australia (68:20)
Sound Healing: Bernadette Yao (67:46)
The Creative Process: Andrew Newman (87:57)
Working with Essential Oils (4 Essential Oils for Healers): Adora Winquist (85:08)
Working with Essential Oils. UK: Adora Winquist (103:59)
What Color is your Medicine: Regina Powers- California (77:27)
What Color is your Medicine: Regina Powers- Florida (77:50)
2020–2021 HMD Lectures
Energetics of Tapping: Lisa VanOstrand (66:29)
Heal Faster from Surgery: Sue Caciabaudaa (77:42)
LGBTQIA Discussion Panel: Ky Wolff, Sandy Rakowitz, Deklan Hartell (96:02)
Mystic Medicine: Session 1: “Entering The Portal” - The initiation of courage, Sola (93:43)
Mystic Medicine: Session 2: “Carrying The Fire”- Faith as a Transformative Force, Sola (112:21)
Mystic Medicine: Session 3: When All Seems Lost- The Power of Affirmation and Intention, Sola (104:17)
Mystic Medicine: Session 4: Though Hope seems Frail - It’s Hard to Kill The Evolutionary Gate of Love, Sola
Mystic Medicine: Session 5: Homecoming With Gifts - Harnessing the Potency of Self, Sola (83:55)
Protective Energy Field for Healing: Lisa VanOstrand (70:46)
The Power and Magic of Gratitude: Johanna Jonasdorttir (83:10)
Trauma Release Part 1: Introduction to PolyVagal Theory: Suzanne Gundersen (45:28)
Trauma Release Part 2: Trauma Release Exercises: Suzanne Gundersen (82:08)
Understanding Trauma in the Body: Donnalea Van Vleet (67:04)
Voice of the Human Energy Field: Kate Targan (90:14)
What’s Your Story? Ada Robinson (84:25)
What's Your Story: Spiritual Storytelling: Rev. Jennifer Nelson (78:12)
What's Your Story: Impact of the Environment on Indigenous North American Cultures, Joseph Marshall III (85:06)
What's Your Story: Coming to the Table, Danita Green (84:38)
2019–2020 HMD Lectures
The Arc of Life: My Soul's Evolutionary Journey with Cancer by Craig Kay (120:43)
Increase Connection with Yourself, Animals, Nature, Energy & Consciousness, Sandy Rakowitz (85:03)
Integrative Care and Nutrition, Jonathan Bessone (65:58)
Nei Jing Tu Alchemical Practice, Lisa VanOstrand (62:17)
Power of Prayer, Lisa VanOstrand (51:37)
Presenting The Unknown: A Blueprint for Creating Ceremony, Bruce and Elizabeth Bell (52:08)
Other Videos
Renaming the Character Structures (7:25)
BBSH-Japan Year One Art Projects 2021 (127:25)
BBSH Florida Year 1 Student Ceremony 2021 (12:10)
BBSH UK Year End Events May 2022 (146:30)
BBSH Florida Year End Events June 2022 (380:44)
Sound Healing: Bernadette Yao
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